5 Pet Animals Name In Hindi

5 pet animals name in hindi. Domestic Pet Animals Name in Hindi English- अगर आप इस लख क पढ रह ह त इसक मतलब ह क आप पलत जनवर क नम और उनस जड जनकर क बर म खज रह ह. The article lists names of some common and rare species of animals in the Hindi language. List of Birds Names.
Duck - बतख - Batkh. Cuckoo - कयल - Koyal Cuculidae 5.
Keeping a unique name and name related to God is very good. Due to its vast geographical extent India experiences immense diversity in terms of terrain and climate flora and fauna.
Crow - कव - Kauvaa Corvus brachyrhynchos 4. 20 pet animals name hindi and english. Dog कतत Kuttaa Canis lupus familiaris.
10 Hindu Dog Names. Fruits Name in Sanskrit. Pets have proven to be very beneficial to people reducing depression and increasing a persons overall happiness.
Add to my workbooks 5 download file pdf embed in my website or blog add to google classroom. Domestic animalsDomestic Animals Name in Hindi andEnglish with photoPet Animals Name in Hindi and English पलत जनवर क नमAll Animals Name List In Hindi. Have a strong and brave pet dog at home.