Civet Cat Meaning In Tamil

Tamil meaning of Civet-cat is as below.
Civet cat meaning in tamil. Find the definition of Civet cat in Malayalam OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Civet cat in Malayalam with synonyms antonyms adjective and more related words in Malayalam. One such ritual is offering scent to lord Venkateshwara from an Indian Civet Punugu Pillis sweat. Zoöl The animal that produces civet Viverra civetta.
Since 2008 it is IUCN Red Listed as Least Concern as it accommodates to a broad range of habitats. A domestic cat breed. Civet cat Meaning in Malayalam.
Meaning of civet cat. The 14-second video shows a civet walking on the zebra crossing of an empty road during daytime in the Meppayur Town Kozhikode Kerala. Definition of Civet Cat Wiki Definition.
Learn more about the word civet cat its origin. Tamil meaning of Civet-cat is as below.
What is another word for civet. CIVET or properly Civet-Cat the designation of the more typical representatives of the mammalian family Viverridae see Carnivora. Going back to the basic lines of conducting rituals in vaishnavite temples Any puja or ritual conducted without using the aromatic substances.
Click on the Options it opens up the settings page Here click on the Privacy Security options listed on the left hand side of the page. It is widely distributed with large populations that in 2008 were thought unlikely to be declining. The main suspect to date is the civet cat a cat-like mammal closely related to the mongoose.