Animals Names In Telugu And Hindi

Cat - बलल -.
Animals names in telugu and hindi. Bey genda animal సతత తలగల harkatein in telugu. Birds names with images in Telugu Language with English Pronunciation. The most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars.
Bear - भल - Bhaloo Ursidae 3. Vegetables name in Telugu. Polar bear ధరవ ఎలగబట.
Toka leni Kothi తక లన కత 2.
Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words. Usually written in Devanagari script.
Another great Telugu name for an affectionate pet is Chaahana చహన which means longing or affection A cool name for a pet female parakeet is Chaarani చరన which means bird in Telugu. Learn animals vocabulary animal names through pictures.
Ant Eater Cheentiikhor चटखर. Telugu Names of Animals. Body Parts name in Telugu.